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IoT's Impact on Housing Procurement The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionising many aspects of our daily lives, and one of the most significant areas that it has impacted is procurement for the housing industry. With the COVID-19 pandemic leading to an increase in remote work and a heightened need for safety measures, the importance of IoT technology has only grown. By leveraging the power of IoT, procurement for the housing industry can improve safety, increase efficiency,...

How are the Tech Giants shaping online safety? Encrypted messaging services are becoming more popular throughout the world. Businesses use them to safeguard confidential information, governments use them to secure classified information, and many individuals use them to protect personal information from things like identity theft. ...

What did ATP enable to do to support nursing homes during the pandemic? NHSX donated 11,000 iPads to care homes as part of the COVID-19 winter 2020 to 2021 support plan for adult social care. The iPads will help residents receive ongoing care and stay connected to loved ones. ...

What is the cost of not switching mobile phone plans? According to Which? research, customer loyalty to mobile networks is high — in their most recent mobile networks poll of over 4,000 individuals, conducted between February and March of this year, 42% said they had been with their provider for more than five years....

Government lays out plans to protect users online Access to the internet has been a lifesaver for many people throughout the coronavirus epidemic, offering a quick way to find information and stay in touch with loved ones....

What the £31 billion merger of O2 and Virgin Media means for customers   Virgin Media and O2, two of the most well-known companies in the telecoms sector, have formally joined in a 50:50 joint venture between their respective owners, Liberty Global and Telefónica. The new Virgin Media O2 (VMO2) has unveiled with a new logo showcasing both companies merged as one in what is now the UK's largest ever telecoms deal....